Hirundo Workout Resistance Band
Hirundo Workout Resistance Band
Hirundo Workout Resistance Band
Hirundo Workout Resistance Band
Hirundo Workout Resistance Band
Hirundo Workout Resistance Band
Hirundo Workout Resistance Band
Hirundo Workout Resistance Band

Hirundo Workout Resistance Band

Regular price $19.99
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All you need is 5 minutes a day! Seriously.

The Hirundo Workout Resistance Band is all you need to build, shape, lift, and tone, your Glute Muscles, Core, and Lower Body.

With tons of easy and fat burning workouts, target the gluteus maximus and minimus, inner and outer thighs, quads, side obliques, lower abs, and more!

Normal workouts without resistance tend to lead to results plateauing. The Hirundo Workout Resistance Band has the perfect amount of resistance to add to your workout routine which will allow you to isolate and target different muscles groups easily and see quicker and enhanced results.

1 x Hirundo Workout Resistance Band

There are many reasons why you should give more attention to your own behind, but we've outlined our top 5 reasons.

  1. Eradicate Back Pain. Research shows that high gluteus-maximus strength and endurance is significantly correlated with greatly eradicating back pain.
  2. Improve Posture. A strong booty can help lengthen your hip flexors, which will prevent any type of slouching you may currently endure.
  3. Protect Your Joints. Protect the joints in your knees, lower back and hips by strengthening your booty. By doing so, you prevent your own knees from caving in on themselves during any physical activity.
  4. Overall Enhanced Strength. The strength of your gluteus affects the physical performance of your body more than you may realize. Think about any physical activities you may undergo on a daily basis like walking, running, jumping, climbing, swinging, swimming, etc. Your gluteus is the main muscle involved in all these activities and a stronger booty will enhance your performance drastically.
  5. It Looks Great. Plain and simple a strong, toned, and shaped booty is just sexy. When you look great you feel even greater. We all know how empowering this can be for anyone, why not you?